Northern Colorado Women In Business

Business women with powerful connections

Photography by Diandra Davis

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Featured Member

Jaymi Nickelwears many hats. Primarily, Jaymi focuses on her family and is ready for the next phase of family life, where her son, Connor, moves into his own place and begins adulthood. She is cherishing this time and not rushing it. It will come soon enough. Jaymi also has a daughter, Kristen, and grandson, Cash, who live in Florida. Great place to visit!

Second, she and her husband, Cory, work for both State Farm Insurance Company as System Coordinators supporting State Farm staff, and for an online school, Academy of Las Animas Online, where their goal is to mentor at-risk students and students in need of non-traditional solution to GRADUATION.

Jaymi’s passion is helping people. She is finding balance in where she is needed most at any given time. Thanks to several NorCOWIB workshops she is learning how to say no with grace, juggle competing priorities, utilize tools of technology, and take care of herself. 

She loves imparting knowledge and finding ways to make technology easier for others. She’s recently paired this with her love for an aging generation of mentors in her life. The beauty of mentoring is it can flow both directions. It’s fun for her to see her friends use technology without anxiety or stress. It’s an evolution and growth exercise. And she ALWAYS learns something new from her friends.

Jaymi is a featured member this month because Spring is a perfect time to market to students and families who need an alternative education experience. Academy of Las Animas Online can be that solution. Her greatest passion with this school and the reason she shows up every day is the students, their trials, their stories, and their success!

One showcase program is ALAO. It offers students 18… but not yet 21 years old, who do not have enough credits to graduate an opportunity. ALAO can support these students through a partnership with ACT WorkKeys program and they can graduate in 1 year, with support from a principal, vice principal, specialty needs, counselor, teachers, and mentors. Our entire staff’s mission is to see students GRADUATE and become productive members of society. Students can play sports for their home school, while learning with ALAO. They can take concurrent enrollment through Aims Community College. We offer free counselling services for mental health support. We also help students investigate certificate programs, licenses, and trade schools as an option beyond GRADUATION.

Jaymi is also very involved in her community. She is a member of the Centennial State Chapter of Daughters of the American Revolution. She’s her family’s genealogist and historian for her family and her husband’s family. Jaymi is a board member for the Eagle Ridge HOA, along with her dear friend, Allison Dunning. Jaymi’s plate is very full, but she is also a member of Weld Women 2 Women and the Greeley Philharmonic Guild, supporting where she is able.

Jaymi is 6th generation Weld County resident and cares deeply about the current and future state of our community. One day in the future, she plans to offer a community gathering space that will bring all generations together to share skills, knowledge, and resources, while leaving a legacy from one generation to the next. Life, Leading, Legacy. I’m excited to see what the future brings!

P.  970-381-1127
Office: 2400 West 16th Street, Unit D, Greeley, CO 80634
NorCOWIB Member Profile

Jaymi Nickelwearer of many hats!

Kristi Helzer is a dynamic businesswoman and the creator of Northern Colorado Women in Business, an organization that promotes co-op marketing and collaboration among female entrepreneurs. As the founder of this community-focused organization, Kristi is dedicated to providing powerful networking opportunities to help women grow their businesses. She is a talented and supportive cheerleader, always willing to lend a helping hand or offer valuable advice to members of her community. Kristi is committed to giving 100% in everything she does, and her passion for entrepreneurship is amazing. Her strong recommendations and community-minded spirit make her an invaluable mentor for anyone looking to build their business in Northern Colorado. If you have the chance to connect with Kristi, don’t miss out on the opportunity to learn from one of the best.

Networking is more than handing out your business card.

It’s showing up to turn contacts into connections.

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Upcoming Workshops

  • Industry experts
  • Technology Trends
  • Promoting and supporting local
  • Hands-on learning

Success stories

“I have known and loved Kristi since she was my instructor at Aims and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the times I can attend NorcoWIB monthly events (Sue is on a radio morning show at the same time so she can’t always sneak away).  I’ve met a lot of talented ladies and made some great connections thanks to this group.  I look forward to helping you create a great bracelet at the December event!”

Sue Sutton – All of a Sutton Creative

“I have had the pleasure of working with Kristi Helzer for 20 years. She is dedicated to whatever task she takes on, providing 100 percent of her time and talent. It is hard to name others who have a greater work ethic and commitment to their responsibilities.”

Jeannine Truswell – Executive Director, United Way of Weld County


Membership investment

Variety of Membership opportunities!

Workshops $38

Membership Benefits

+ Co-op Marketing

+ Promoting each other

+ Monthly Hands-on Workshops

+ Spotlight Feature

+ Gain Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence to grow your business!

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Check out our most recent events!

NorCoWIB members at the Greeley Area Chamber of Commerce Annual dinner & awards. Photo by Greeley Lifestyle magazine.