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Get a CLUE – about Aging Services & Resources

October 3, 2018 @ 8:00 am - 10:00 am



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Remember playing the board game CLUE? The panelists listed below are all passionate about serving older adults and supporting their families. They will portray the game characters in our “Aging version” of the CLUE Board game while exploring the mysteries and challenges of growing older with dignity while guiding you through problem solving and finding the necessary resources to help ones quality of life as we are living longer.

Participants will arrive on Wednesday, October 3rd to start at 8 a.m. at Meadowview Assisted Living and be welcomed by 8 CLUE characters. Each woman attending will get our NorCoWIB version of an Aging CLUE game. You will  serve yourself a delicious breakfast, courtesy of Meadowview, and be provided the opportunity to play the game of CLUE while exploring the journey that living a longer life entails and where you might wish to turn for assistance in your golden years; or learn about important resources for an aging family member.

We will touch on:

  • Rehab services
  • Skilled nursing
  • Memory care
  • Senior placement
  • Independent living
  • Financial stratigies
  • Senior services
  • Assisted living
  • Home care
  • Transportation

If you have experienced the challenges of finding the correct resources for a loved one when life feels like it is falling apart – this Workshop is for YOU! There’s nothing worse than the helpless feeling of not knowing what to do or where to turn to when things are crumbling around you. We have put together a team of experts and we are assembling a resource packet for each person participating to take home to have when you need to face some difficult decisions. This is a “hand-on” game, not to make light of the aging population, but to fully engage YOU in thinking…gosh, this could be my Mom, my granddad, or shoot…this could be me in another decade or so. Dementia is now often known to attack people in their 40s and 50s not just in their 70s and 80s. PLANNING makes this journey so much easier; come and let us help you be prepared!

Let’s meet our CLUE characters and their businesses, each has a passion for serving older adults in their golden years. They will serve as your table hostesses.


Col. Mustard, former star athlete and military gal whose popularity is now questionable Megan Slusser, Director of MeadowView of Greeley, 5300 29th St., Greeley CO 80634 / 970-353-6800 / Megan.Slusser@legendseniorliving.com / https://www.legendseniorliving.com



Mrs. Meadow-Brook, our Gardener: Kristi Helzer gave birth to Northern Colorado Women in Business in January of 2009, 970-506-1882 / kristi@KristiHelzer.com./ NorCoWIB.com




Mrs. White is the housekeeper who manages all assets – Pamela Groeger, is a Certified Public Account with Five Rings Financial, 970-686-7197 / pgroeger@fiveringsfinancial.com/  www.fiveringsfinancial.com




Ms. Peach will manipulate a situation with her sweet, innocent southern charm, Janet Bedingfield, Executive Director, Senior Resource Services, 800 8th Ave., Greeley 80631 / 970-352-9348 / JBedingfield@SRSweld.com / https://srsweld.com/



Former archaeologist -Professor Plum is a self-made billionaire, better known as Maureen Walker launched her senior living placement service, Assisted Living Locators, 970-660-8898 / mwalker@asistedlivinglocators.com / www.NOCO.AssistedLivinglocators.com



Mrs. Peacock came from a wealthy family of politicians; she loves the spotlight – Irish Martin-Danhoff, she is the Regional Director of Operations running a successful home care agency called FirstLight Home Care, 361 71st Ave., Greeley, CO 80634 / 970-515-5025 / IDanhoff@firstlighthomecare.com / https://www.firstlighthomecare.com


The former Reverend Green, Michelle Shephard, is a fixer, but there are often strings attached. She is the Community Resources Coordinator for the Weld County Area Agency on Aging (AAA) helping those 18 and older with a disability and seniors who require resources and services in the community. AAA, 315 N 11th Ave Bldg C, Greeley, CO 80631 / 970-400-6305 / mshepard@weldgov.com / www.weldgov.com/departments/human_services/area_agency_o



Ms. Scarlet is an A-list actress who clawed her way to the top, but hopes no one has a CLUE, Sueann Swetzig is the Community Relations Director at The Bridge Assisted Living, 4750 25th St., Greeley, CO 80634 / 970-302-5212 / sswetzig@centurypa.com /


norcowib.com/oct-clue-characters-biographies-businesses// ‎


The amazing members who are volunteering to make this session special are:

Check-in Hostesses: Anisha Gutierrez, Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic & Kimberly Gilbert, Nerium International

Greeter: June Lemmings, June’s Team – Sears Real Estate

Sister-to-Sister/Pay it Forward: Chelsie Beller, East Colorado SBDC/UNC Biz Hub will coordinate our philanthropic effort to benefit Senior Resource Services, and the transportation they provide so our aging population may remain in their own homes.

Clean-up: Anisha Gutierrez, Weld Family Clinic of Chiropractic; Tonya Kimble, FirstBank; Robin Chew, Arbonne International; Lynda Mitch, Flood & Peterson






October 3, 2018
8:00 am - 10:00 am
Event Category:


Meadowview Assisted Living, 5300 29th St., Greeley CO 80634
5300 29th Street
Greeley,CO80634United States
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