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This is a photo of Northern Colorado Women in Business 2024 Leadership Team

Northern Colorado Women in Business


In 2008, when we were in a recession, many business friends kept coming to me and stating, "We need each other to survive; How can I stay afloat? I need customers; We must encourage people to support LOCAL!" Kristi, you have to do something to bring us all together!... I have coordinated leadership roles my entire life. I was on Student Council and a student body officer in H.S.; attended Leadership training workshops and week-long camps, I ran for Student government at UNC; I was often in charge of different activities for PTA at my son's schools; I served on our church board; did a few years as president of Greeley Business Women's Network (which has sadly dissolved); I took a leap of faith joining a national networking group for a few years-but realized it wasn't focused on local business success and I departed like so many of my peers.

Then after deep searching and tapping my creativity, I decided I needed to start a Women's NETWORKING organization and foster an attitude of caring for one another and our LOCAL COMMUNITY where we all do business. If we spent money supporting each other's businesses it would be a win/win for everyone. Teri Segelke, Sue Helfrich, Susan Jewell Klema, Robin Chew, Patricia Sorbo, Flo Mikkelson, Chris McDermott, Gretta Adams, Jill Althoff, Linda Winter, MaryLu Walton, Lori Gama, gave me the motivation...and most of them are still participating, some even in their retirement! Then new women found us and are such great contributors to the TRIBE we have become - Irish Martin Danhoff, Jean Daviet, June Lemmings, Allison Dunning, Annette Jaehn, Ashley Fusco, Alexia Peake Inhulsen, Helen Freese, Jean Morrell, Barbara Wasung, Paula Thomas, Sue Sutton, Celeste Ewert, Nicole Watkins, Erica Herman, Lisa Hudson, Kris Boesch, Gail Newton, Peggy Waldo, Jeri Lynn Fuqua, Glenda Haines, Jody Margheim, Pam Bricker, Jill Bailey, Kim Pichot, Mary Doty, Priscilla Johnson, Kris Bruntz, Julie Hill, Jenny Shoop, Colette Pitcher, Angela Garcia, DeAnnaKay Swetzig, Deb Michael, Donna Upton, Jennifer Gehrman, Linda Brainard, Cheri Witt Brown, Dixie Daly, Sharon Eberhard, Kimberly Gilbert, Pam Groeger, Elizabeth Barber, Melissa Jensen, Kelly Jackson, Margie Martinez, Terri Aden, Heather Beran, Rose Esparza, Verniece Thomas, Jaymi Nickell, Alexa Hepler, Jaymi Anderson, LaLoni Magnuson, robin McIntire, Misty Dockins, Barbara Solivais, Trista Ells, Mary Roberts, Aimee Hutson, Kim Parker, ...where do I stop? We have over 1,200 outstanding members! Participation ebbs and flows as LIFE allows. Like most things, you get as much out of this organization as you put into it! Relationships are built when people show-up in your life and you share experiences together. We love learning from each other and the talent in this TRIBE is off the charts; everyone has something to contribute! We host a 2-hour-&-15-minute Workshop on the first Wednesday of each month at a variety of venues that generally attracts 65-75 women.
COVID slowed us down a bit, but we only cancelled one month, then we ZOOMED our way through several meetings and women wanted to come back. When they returned we set-up more tables and spread-out, we respected those wearing masks, we sanitized and disinfected our table cloths after each session. And through it all we continued to meet and mingle. Our monthly Inspirational Workshops host 7-12 new women each month. Members invite women they believe will benefit and these are women we want to do business with! I survey our members each summer for workshop topics of interest and speakers. The most "in demand" will make it into the next year's programming. The quality of our programs dazzle and delight and help us both professionally and personally!
We added Enlightening Conversations in 2018 for members "by invitation only!" This is "Master Minding" a subject, situation, challenge, question - in a small group of 12 women with Northern Colorado Women in Business-style! Magic happens during these intimate-third-Thursday-of-the- month gatherings; when like-minded women tackle an issue and share insights that are helpful and bring clarity to the group. Jean Morrell will be our 55th Hostess/Leader on July 20, 2023. Check-out our industry list, and you will discover just about every career is represented. Our diversity of knowledge and experience is as broad as the ages of our members from 20-somethings up to their 80s. The friendships that evolve are lasting and many have developed accountability partners to keep each other thriving and working toward goals. Sign-up and "try us on for size" we invite you to come and GROW with us!


Greeley, Weld County, Northern Colorado Front Range, United States

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Greeley, Weld County, Northern Colorado Front Range, United States
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Member since 8 years ago
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2 reviews
  • Jean Sandra Daviet

    I have had the honor of being an original member of the NOCWIB tribe. When Kristi talks about being a business matchmaker, I think of the doppler effect of tossing a rock into a pond and the rings that a formed. You come to an initial meeting and meet people that are in similar or supporting business. But it doesn’t stop there. Your business expands or you discover a new business more suited to you. Then you begin personal growth and work family balance. And Kristi keeps urging you on and recognizes your growth

  • I am happy to share how NorCoWIB has affected my life positively and in many ways. I look forward to meeting in person with these beautiful women each month, feeds my soul and I learn something new every time. The networking tools and opportunities NorCoWIB offers are abundant and valuable to growing my business, community outreach, and knowledge. I’m proud to be a member of this business women’s networking group and I look forward to meeting new friends.

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