Ultimate Promotion

$ 100.00 Plus $0.00 tax / 60 days Per Listing

Listed on Newsletter and 2 Social Media Posts.

  • Listing as featured
  • Event Name
  • Description
  • Website
  • Social Info
  • Date
  • Address
  • URL
  • Event Hours
  • Images

Event promotion

$ 25.00 Plus $0.00 tax / 30 days Per Listing

  • Listing as featured
  • Event Name
  • Description
  • Website
  • Social Info
  • FAQs
  • Pricing
  • Date
  • Address
  • URL
  • Event Hours
  • Images (Maximum of 3)

Sale Promotion

$ 25.00 Plus $0.00 tax / 30 days Per Listing

  • Listing as featured
  • Event Name
  • Description
  • Website
  • Social Info
  • Pricing
  • URL
  • Images (Maximum of 2)